miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008


Ben, his sister Maxine, and their parents, are going skiing in Scotland. The sun is shining and the snow on the mountains is beautiful. It's going to be a wonderful holiday.
But one day there's an avalanche, and Ben's father doesn'tcome back to the village. The police are looking for him under the snow, and so is Buster, Ben's dog.

miércoles, 16 de abril de 2008

DIALOGUE 6 Ordering food

Esther- Hi ! Can I help you?
Roger- Yes. can I have chicken empanada please?
Esther- Anything else?
Roger- Yes. Can I have some couscous, and two fish burgers, please?
Esther- OK. Anyting to drink?
Roger- Yes, Mineral water and a bottle ok Tropical juice.
Esther- That's $7.50, please.
Roger- Here you are.
Esther- Thanks.

DIALOGUE 5 Talking about future plans

Roger- Hi, Esther. What are you doing at the weekend? Are you free?
Esther- No, sorry, I'm busy. I'm meeting Júlia.
Roger- Oh, right. What are you doing with Júlia.
Esther- We're going to shopping at the espai Gironès.
Roger- Yes, great. What time does it open?
Esther- Ten o 'clock.
Roger- OK. See you there!

DIALOGUE 4 Asking for permission

Roger- Tom's got two tickets for the Jamelia film in the Park on Friday. Can I go with him?
Esther-Where's the film?
Roger-It's in the Park. I've got some money for the ticket.
Esther-OK. I suppose so.
Roger- And can I stay at tom's house after the film?
Esther- No, sorry, you can't.
Roger- Why not?
Esther- Because it's Dad's birthday on Saturday. Remember?
Roger- Oh, yeah. I remember.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008


Roger-Do you think computer games are a good idea?
Esther-No I don't.
Roger-Why not?
Esther-Because they are boring.
Roger-Yes, thats true.
Esther-What about you?Do you think they're a good idea?
Roger-Yes, I think they're OK.


Esther-Excuse me, is this Picadilly Circus.
Roger-Yes, thats right.
Esther-Oh, good is the national Gallery near here?
Roger-Yes, it's not far.
Esther-How do I get there?
Roger-Go down Regent Street. Then turn left at Pall Mall and go straight on.
Esther-OK. Thanks very much.


Roger- Hi! What's your name?
Esther-My names is Esther Graboleda.
Roger-Sorry? Esther...?
Roger-Can you spell that please?
Roger-Great, thanks. How old are you, Tom?
Esther-I'm 14.
Roger-Who's your favourite pop singer?
Esther-Alicia keys!

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

The Secret Of Oldstone Hall

Pete and Nicky are stayng at oldstone hall. It is midnight, and they are sleeping. There is a noise.
‘What is it?’ says Pete. Pete and Nicky go upstairs. Two men suddenly run past them. One man drops a book. ‘Look at this book,’ says Nicky.
Nicky reads it slowly. This famous old house has a secret room.
It is in the garden near the water. You must go down the steps to get to it. The answer is in the trees. Do not walk into the water: the steps open.’
‘How strange,’ says Annie.
Suddenly they hear a noise.
‘Excuse me. There’s someone at the door.’ She opens the door and sees Mr Bigwig from Bigstone Farm. He is with his two sons, Don and Ron.
‘Oh! You again! She says.
‘Good morning,’ he says. ‘Can II come in and talk to you?’
They come into the Great Hall. Mr Bigwig talks to Annie for a long time. Don and Ron stand and look at everyghing. Snowy and Football don’t like them.
When Mr Bigwig go away Pete says:
‘They are the mens in the attic.
‘What do they want?
Says Annie.
‘Perhaps they want this book because his tells about a secret room.
‘Lets go and find it.
They going to the garden. Pete reads:
‘Find a stone man, not his doughter.’
Turn his head to stop the water.
Then down the steps, one, two, three,
And pull the hand that you can see.’
They don't more steps under the ground.
They find a stranhe old room.
Look! 'Here's a door to a different room.If we can find the key, we can open it.'Then Pete shouts because he sees something gold on the floor.
'Look!' says Pete. 'It's the necklace that Elizabeth AppletonWhite wears in the picture - the picture in the Great Hall.'
Nicky finds the kiy to the next room on the floor, under the chair.
They open the door and see something wonderful. The room is full of gold and silver there!'
She closes her eyes, and opens them again. 'Oh, how wonderful!'
Annie wants to take all the things back to the house. They put all the clothes in one box, and all the gold into a second box and all the silver into a third box. But suddenly, Football and Snowy begin to make a noise.
Now they know what the matter is.
'Give those boxes to us,'say the three men. They take them and run away.
Snowy and Football run after the men and try to stop them.
She looks towards the house.'Oh, I know,'she thinks. 'Iknow who can help us!'
The dogs helps us and they take away to the police.
They save the gold and they have a happy meal.